Contribute and develop public trust projects

  • contribute to Wikipedia with encyclopedic knowledge and undocumented information
  • map your neighbourhood in OpenStreetMap
  • write tutorials and experiences for everyone on WikiHow
  • map crisis maps for humanitarian or eco-organizations with the MapSwipe mobile app
  • record food in Open Food Facts, cosmetics in Open Beauty Facts, products in Open Products Facts and pet food in Open Pet Food Facts

Develop civic projects that support communities in your area

  • develop, maintain and support open source software
  • create and share educational projects with OpenEdX
  • translate open source software and documentation on translation platforms
  • identify organisms in nature and record them in iNaturalist, or Minka
  • Identify plants and record in Pl@ntNet
  • measure excessive noise in your environment with Noise Capture

Contribute to citizen science

  • ZooniversePeople-powered research – Join millions of people who help to advance real research, science, and knowledge
  • mit:forschen! – citizen science portal in Germany with links to specific projects. Die zentrale Plattform für Citizen Science in Deutschland

Document info on health, resilience, overcoming crises, humanitarian aid

Content examples: Analyses, compendia, fact sheets, news releases, professional periodicals, projects, research papers, school papers, translations, lectures, presentations, global reports.

How to create it:

  • Don’t use commercial cloud storage, just choose hosting and use your own Nextcloud cloud for this, e.g. with FreedomBox
  • use your own document management on your own hosting, e.g. Mayan EDMS or SeedDMS
  • archive and share documents with metadata containing knowledge, strategies, status reports
  • keep the original license

Create datasets with an open license

Static datasets in CSV, XLS, JSON formats, if dynamic data, indicate this directly at the access point.

Content examples:

Datasets with data focused on a region of the country, cultural data and socio-demographic data, or survey results based on transparent data collection with privacy protection.

Geographically, temporally or type-structured data.

Are you a collector?

Share your cultural heritage collection data online on site Europeana

How to organise open data

  • Choose a trusted public project that catalogues and provides open data
  • or use your own hosting or server
  • install database software to share datasets and geospatial data
  • use licensed open datasets with metadata and georeferenced data

Create an archive of infos about the state of the world as you see it

  • Create embedded media under an open license allowing sharing and reuse when the source is cited.
  • Use decentralized networks and instances within the Fediverse
  • Create an account on PeerTube and Mastodon
  • upload videos or stream live on PeerTube in your own instance

Engage in personalized learning

  • Go to the library not only for books, but also for lectures and discussions
  • keep a library of books you’ve read and notes on what you’ve learned from them